We are made up of about 60 % water and we use water for digestion, circulation, our muscles, nerves system, organs and of course skin function. We should start each day with a big glass of room temperature filtered water, or spring water or even a nice warm cup of water and lemon, to get our bodies working properly. When we do this it nourishes the body to produce blood, support muscles and organ function, nerves system and brain function and more. This makes us function much more optimally, and you will feel AMAZING.

Are you someone who only drinks when your body tells you it is thirsty? When the body is low in fluids, it will trigger the brain to remind you to drink something. That means your body has already looked throughout the body for water to use to function and now is warning you it is on EMPTY. Just like your fuel alarm in your car. Now do you go get water, or do you get a coffee, tea, juice or perhaps alcohol? 

Truthfully to give your body what it needs for optimal function, you need water. How much? Take your body weight in pounds, no cheating, and then you want to be drinking between 50 to 70 % of that in ounces. This means if you exercise you probably want to be closer to that 70% or if you are living in a warm climate and sweating. Of course if you are really sweating, like you do running a marathon, then even more water is needed.

Water will help your skin look better! Dehydration makes your skin more dry and wrinkled. Your skin also needs water to function correctly, it is your protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss and protect you from UV damage and free radical damage. 

Water helps your muscles. If you lack hydration you will get muscle fatigue, maybe even cramping. Your performance will struggle, especially if you are trying to work out. In fact, it is a good idea to drink 16 ounces an hour before you workout, then during your work out and of course afterward. This keeps the muscles performing optimally. Now you can enjoy the workout and have good recovery too.

Water helps your kidneys remove the toxins from your body, so with adequate hydration the kidneys are able to do this amazing job of cleansing and getting rid of toxins through your urine. If you do not get rid of the toxins then you can experience headaches or low energy. You can also put a lot of strain on the kidneys and end up with kidney stones. YIKES.

Let us talk about POOP. Water will help our bowel function, as hydration helps our digestive tract work properly. When you do not have enough water, the colon pulls water from the stool, which will result in constipation. OUCH!

If you are really struggling, then buy yourself a really cute water bottle, a non toxic one please! Start each day with 16 ounces to get your body woken up. Keep your water bottle at your work station, maybe set a timer to remember to keep drinking. Then have water with each snack or meal. An hour before bed, drink another 16 ounces to end your day. Room temperature or warm water is best, try to stay away from cold or ice cubes as this will slow down the stomach and digestive tract as it is a little bit of a shock to the body. Warm water with lemon is a great way to start and end your day too.